Alternative investment fund

High Returns and Cash Flow. Averaging 66.2% a Year!

Achieving Exceptional Returns While Keeping Your Capital Liquid.

Investing involves risk, including loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee or indicate future results. Accredited Investors Only! RENTDUE is a REG D Offering under rule 506c

Averaging 7.04% Per Month

**past performance does indicate future results**

OPTIONS Trading Hedge FunD

Why Invest With RENTDUE? Here’s Our Strategy.

Money is a game of doubles, and individual investors deserve the opportunity to grow their wealth. RENTDUE Capital’s strategy is about achieving high returns through disciplined options trading, maintaining liquidity, and fostering long-term growth, all while keeping investors informed and confident in their investment. Review our track record to see if RENTDUE Capital is a suitable addition to your portfolio.

High Growth

Our goal is 1% return on your capital every week. When you compound that 1% per week, your money doubles quickly. 

Cash Flow

RENTDUE can provide you with cashflow. Some investors like to pull their interest every quarter. Last year $100,000 would have paid you $15,000+ every quarter. 


Benefits of options trading

Trading options provides leverage, liquidity, and higher returns. While options can be riskier, adherence to rules and sticking to the plan ensures their effectiveness and lowers risk. We believe nothing surpasses the performance of our options trading fund.


Our track record has been outstanding, and we invite you to review it. If you want to see the last years performance, click on the link below and complete the form, you will receive access to our daily profit updates and the performance history of our current fund. 


RENTDUE Capital Fund 1 Structure

RENTDUE is set up as an LLC. When you invest, you become a member. By becoming a member of the LLC, you will receive a K-1 form for tax purposes. The LLC provides a combination of flexibility, tax benefits, and asset protection. Learn More


Our Approach To Risk

Taking calculated risks is essential for achieving significant returns in the investment world. At RENTDUE Capital, our primary objective is to preserve capital while pursuing high returns, embodying the philosophy of Warren Buffett. Our track record speaks for itself: since we began tracking in August 2023, we have experienced only 18 losing days. Notably, in Q1 of 2024, we had just 2 losing days. While risk is an inherent part of investing, our disciplined approach and proven strategies provide our investors with a sense of security and confidence in our ability to manage and minimize losses effectively. We believe that the biggest risk, is not taking any risk at all. 

RUNNING TOTAL Since Aug 2023


Return Last 13 Months

Total Losing Days

Total Winning Days

Winning Day Streak

**Statistics numbers are from August 2023 to October 1 2024**

Running Track Record

If you invested $100,000 int0 RENTDUE 13 month ago, where would you be today?

In August 2023, a $100,000 investment in RENTDUE Capital would have grown to $203,873 by the end of September 2024. Here’s the detailed breakdown:


Reinvesting your funds and allowing them to compound would have generated a gain of $103,873, resulting in a final balance of $203,873.

Cash Flow

If you prefer cash flow, you could have received an average of $16,500 in quarterly payments.


Q3 2024 is in the books, and what a quarter it was! We hit some big milestones, welcomed new investors, and kept our focus steady on the two things that matter most—growing your money and managing risk. As we continue to scale, we’re seeing the benefits of our disciplined approach paying off.

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Let’s face it, Wall Street loves your money almost as much as they love taking a slice of it every time your money is deposited into your 401K. Whether the market goes up or down, they win, raking in fees like a croupier at a casino.

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General Manager Questions

Do you invest your own money?

Yes, I have the largest stake in the fund, which means I stand to gain the most—and potentially lose the most. I plan to keep it that way.

How much money do you make?

The investor get 70% of the profits and Rentdue gets 30%. 

Why did you start Rentdue Capital?

I was hesitant to dive back into the fund game, but watching so many struggle to get a return ignited that ever-present feeling that I needed to do this. So, here I am, jumping back in and raising investment money.

Back in 2008, I lost all my financial wealth. But it wasn’t just me who took the hit—people who trusted me with their money also lost a lot. I hated it. I don’t think I slept for a year. Even though they knew the risks, I felt like I had let everyone down. It still hurts.

I licked my wounds and got back into investing, but this time is different. 

Money is a doubled-edged game, and I’ve doubled my money countless times over. Now I want to do it for others. 

What did you do before?

My main goal is to be happy and keep life simple. Here’s the game I like to play. I start new businesses and grow them with my marketing company (RED). I take the cash from those businesses and buy assets that produce more cash flow. (RENTDUE Capital) I try to stay humble and grateful during the process. Recieved a Bachelors in Business from UVU: Here’s what happened next:

2004: Launched A Lending Company and made some great money. Learned the law of the harvest.

2004 – 2008: Invested in FOREX, Land, Apartments, Stocks, and did Hard Money loans. Had no idea that corrections happen. Winter always comes after summer! How often? Always!

2008 – 2011: Lost everything and endured the 2008 financial crisis. Went from 6 million net worth to a negative 3 million net worth. Amazing time! Went back to work and read 150 business books. Got my Masters in Business from SUU.

2011: Started Ydraw with a Childhood Friend. We created whiteboard animation videos and started that industry in the USA. It was the right product at the right time. Launched us into the inc 5000. Put off a huge amount of cashflow. It’s still going! (kind of)

2012: Started RED; a marketing company that helps business grow. We take care of everything Lead Gen so the business owners can focus on closing deals and making their product or services better.

2012 – Present: Started investing again in Hard Money, and Real estate. I had an expensive education in 2008 so now…I buy Cashflow. Goal is 100 units per year.

2021 – Present: Started All Out Dental. Started ERTH SPA. Started and now manage RENTDUE Capital

There really was no end game to what I am doing. I just take life 1 day at a time and stay happy. I’ve made poor decisions and I have made some good ones.

RENTDUE Rule 506c of Reg D

SEC Rule 506c, enacted in 2012, is part of Regulation D, allowing businesses to raise capital from private investors without registering the offering with the SEC, while permitting advertising and general solicitation. This rule enables issuers to raise unlimited funds from an unlimited number of accredited investors, provided they verify the investors’ accredited status and ensure all necessary information is disclosed accurately. While Rule 506c offers significant advantages, such as the ability to broadly market securities, it requires strict compliance with investor verification and disclosure requirements. We only accept accredited investors. Learn more 

Download RENTDUE yearly report

Are you ready to JOIN US!

We would be delighted to have you join us; however, we exclusively accept accredited investors. If you're ready to invest, please click the link and complete the form. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact us.