RENTDUE Capital Q2 2024 Update


Welcome to the Q2 2024 update for RENTDUE Capital! This quarter has been incredible because we have brought in a lot of great people and we made money. The markets have been pretty random, but that can be expected. The moment we think we have it all figured out, it changes. Let’s dive into the numbers, share some stories about my favorite traders, and look ahead to what’s next for our fund.

Performance Highlights

Q2 2024 has been another stellar quarter for RENTDUE Capital. Despite market fluctuations and lack of clear direction, we managed to navigate the choppy waters with remarkable resilience. Here are the RENTDUE Capital Q2 numbers.

  • Total Losing Days: 3 (2 of which were in June)
  • Total Winning Days: 61
  • Biggest Losing Day: -0.21% (-$14,365.86)
  • Biggest Winning Day: 0.82% +$58,268.29
  • Q2 Total Losses: $(-24,646.96)
  • Q2 Total Profits: $1,067,005.66
  • Q2 Interest To Investors: 14.6%

In June alone, we brought in $2,152,000 in new investments and generated nearly $100,000 in returns for our investors. Our consistent performance underscores our robust strategies and adaptive trading approaches.

Market Commentary

This quarter presented a challenging market environment with unpredictable movements and no clear trends. Such conditions often lead traders into a cycle of gains and losses. However, our team at RENTDUE Capital demonstrated exceptional adaptability. Typically, 95% of our trades involve the QQQ, but due to its lack of movement, we expanded our focus this quarter to include trades on GOOGLE, AMAZON, and NVIDIA.

Our trading rules and strategies remain consistent, and as long as we adhere to them, we generally see profitable outcomes. We’ve been working on incorporating a broader range of stocks into our strategy for some time, and we began implementing this approach in the last week of June. This is not an easy game, but nothing worth doing is. Q3 should be great.

Getting to Know Our Investors: A Personal Story

I want everyone to get to know each other better, so I’ll be adding a section where we share a bit more about ourselves. You may be next. I’ll start with my latest experience.

This quarter has been particularly challenging for me personally. While vacationing in Mexico, I experienced a full rupture of my quadricep tendon, leading to an emergency surgery in Guadalajara. There’s nothing more humbling than staring at a hospital wall at midnight, alone. Thankfully, Dr. Juan Pablo did a great job, and I still have all my organs—that’s a plus!

But just as I thought I was recovering, a mishap on the stairs led to a re-tear, necessitating another surgery, followed by the discovery of an infection, which required yet another surgery. When it rains, it pours. However, experiences like these provide a better perspective on health, life, and the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. There’s always someone worse off, and I will be back.

I love basketball, and my goal is to be back to dunking in no time. 

Despite the setbacks, it was comforting to know that while sitting in those surgery rooms, I was still making money. I love passive income. I’ve built multiple passive income streams from real estate, RENTDUE, and other businesses, which have provided financial stability. My hope is to create similar financial security for all of you through our funds. Thank you for your trust and confidence.

Spotlight Story: Jim Simons and The Medallion Fund

When it comes to investing, nobody holds a candle to Jim Simons. Not Warren Buffett, not Steven Cohen, and not George Soros. Simons’ company, Renaissance Technologies, has a signature hedge fund called Medallion that has generated average annual returns of 66% for 30 years.

To put this into perspective, renowned economist Bradford Cornell points out that if you had invested $100 in Medallion in 1988, 30 years later, that investment would have turned into $398.7 million. What’s even more remarkable is that Simons hired people who didn’t know a thing about investing. Instead, he brought in mathematicians and scientists, just like himself.

Simons’ approach to investing was radically different from traditional methods. While many investors rely on intuition, Simons used a scientific approach, harnessing the power of vast data sets, computer models, and algorithms to make decisions. This method revolutionized Wall Street.

Simons’ journey to becoming the greatest trader who ever lived is fascinating. He was always restless, building a storied career as a brilliant mathematician and working as a Cold War code-breaker before venturing into finance. Despite early setbacks, he was undeterred. At the age of 40, he left academia to open Renaissance Technologies, initially called Monemetrics.

The turning point for Renaissance came when Simons focused on short-term trades, honing in on subtle market inefficiencies that others overlooked. This approach led to the creation of the Medallion Fund, which has become the most successful hedge fund of all time.

Despite personal tragedies, including the loss of his sons Paul and Nicholas, Simons continued to push the boundaries of finance. He recruited brilliant minds like Robert Mercer and Peter Brown, whose work helped Medallion achieve astonishing returns even during market downturns.

Today, Medallion remains a beacon of success, closed to outside investors and managed by a highly secretive team. The fund’s success is a testament to the power of mathematics and data science in finance.

Looking Ahead

As we look forward to Q3, we anticipate a lot of daily gains and very few losses. Our focus will remain on sticking to the rules and shooting for the 5% per month. We’re also excited about new investors coming onboard. The more people we can help the better. 

Closing Remarks

At RENTDUE Capital, our mission is to generate passive income for our investors that can truly change their lives. We believe this fund can do that, and we have exciting plans for the future, including the launch of RENTDUE Real Estate Fund and RENTDUE Private Equity Fund.

 For now, we will continue trading and doing our best. We may not be brilliant mathematicians like Jim Simons and his team, but we are just as dedicated. If we continue performing as we have been, we will all be amazed at what compounding returns can achieve.

Thank you to all our investors for your continued support and trust. We are committed to delivering strong returns and helping you achieve your financial goals. Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback.

Here’s to another successful quarter!