The Savvy Investor’s Guide to Converting Your 401K/IRA to Alternative Investments

Introduction: The Game is Rigged (But Not in Your Favor)

Hey there, savvy investor! I’m Jace Vernon, founder of RENTDUE Capital, where we make options trading as simple as brewing your morning coffee. Today, I’m here to reveal a little secret that Wall Street has been hiding from you. They’ve got you hooked on their flashy, casino-like paper investments—stocks, bonds, mutual funds—you name it. But what if I told you there’s a smarter way to use your 401K or IRA? A way that puts you in control and lets you invest in real, tangible assets. Intrigued? Let’s dive in.

Wall Street Loves You

Let’s face it, Wall Street loves your money almost as much as they love taking a slice of it every time your money is deposited into your 401K. Whether the market goes up or down, they win, raking in fees like a croupier at a casino. But why keep playing their game when you could switch to a strategy that actually benefits you?

The Myth of the 401K and IRA

Ever feel like everything you’ve been told about retirement is just plain wrong? You’re not alone. The traditional belief that secure retirement comes from a 401(k) and IRA is about as outdated as dial-up internet. Let’s break it down.

Back in the day, Ted Benna discovered a nifty IRS loophole that led to the creation of the 401(k). This was supposed to be a straightforward way for people to save for retirement. But instead, it turned into a cash cow for businesses and Wall Street. Companies loved it because they could reduce pension liabilities and boost profits, while the financial industry thrived on the management fees.

The truth is, the system was designed to benefit everyone but you. Businesses got to ditch pensions, and Wall Street got rich off your savings. Even Ted Benna himself admitted that the 401(k) had become a “monster” due to its complexity and costs.

So, what’s the solution? It’s time to question everything you’ve been told and take control of your financial future. The world of financial advising rarely prioritizes education, but we’re here to change that. First step is to get educated on your options and realize that nobody cares as much about your money as you do.

Enter the Self-Directed IRA/401K

Time to break free from the Wall Street roller coaster and explore the world of self-directed IRAs and 401Ks. These accounts let you invest your retirement funds in real assets like real estate, alternative investment funds, private equity, and even promissory notes. This does not mean you just cash out and starting handing out your money, it dangerous out their so you need to get educated. When you self direct your 401K or IRA, it’s like giving your 401K a passport to a world of opportunities beyond Wall Street’s reach.

Step 1: Set Up Your Self-Directed IRA or 401K

Choose a custodian who specializes in self-directed accounts. These experts will help you navigate the IRS rules, ensuring you stay on the right side of the law.

Step 2: Transfer or Roll Over Funds

Move your existing retirement funds into your new self-directed account. Done correctly, this won’t trigger any taxes or penalties.

Step 3: Invest in Alternative Assets

Now comes the fun part. Use your self-directed funds to invest in real estate, startups, or lend money through promissory notes. The world is your oyster.

The Perks Alternative Investments

Why bother with alternative investments? Simple. They offer a hedge against the roller-coaster ride of the stock market and you get to put your money into something you choose.

  • Lower Costs: An investment into real estate involves one-time costs like closing fees and appraisals, unlike the endless transaction fees of stock trading.
  • Passive Income: Options fund can provide steady income, and a lot higher return.
  • Tax Benefits: Many real estate expenses can be deducted thanks to depreciation. Think of it as the tax code giving you a high-five.
  • Control: You decide how your money is invested. No more feeling like a pawn in Wall Street’s game.

Don’t be Damon. The Reality Check

Take Damon’s story, a contractor from Arizona who worked his whole life and never worried about money. Yet, as he aged, he found himself unable to keep up physically and financially. Like many, he realized too late that he should have saved more. Unfortunately, Damon’s situation is all too common. Many retirees find their savings and Social Security benefits insufficient, living a far cry from the golden years they envisioned.

Most Americans are ill-prepared for retirement, with the average 401(k) balance for those aged 60-69 being shockingly low. Despite contributing regularly, the majority end up with far less than needed, facing a retirement of financial struggles. The average income from Social Security and retirement savings falls short, leading to a reality where millions of Americans are not living the retirement life they hoped for.

Conclusion: Ready to Roll?

Ready to convert your 401K/IRA into alternative investments? Text me at 702-500-0164 to see if you qualify. Let’s make your retirement funds work smarter, not harder.

About the Author:
Jace Vernon is the founder of RENTDUE Capital, an options trading fund dedicated to making investing straightforward and profitable. With a knack for uncovering the best-kept secrets in finance, Jace is here to help you break free from traditional investing constraints and discover the benefits of alternative assets.

Ready to start? Text 702-500-0164 to see if you qualify for converting your 401K/IRA to real assets. Let’s take the first step towards a more secure and profitable retirement.